Below are NVTI’s primary course delivery methods. Please click on each method to learn more.

Online Cohort
Often also called an online university model, online cohorts have a participant cohort and instructor support. Online cohort courses typically begin with a one-hour live, virtual kickoff session in which participants review the course objectives and expectations as well as review the learning platform with the instructor. This session is typically at 2pm EST on the first day of class, however, this may vary. Please look for an email from your instructor prior to the first day of class with the live, virtual kickoff’s day and time. After the live, virtual kickoff, participants work asynchronously to discuss and collaborate with others in the NVTI Student Central portal. Online cohorts are typically two to four weeks in length and have assignments with deadlines and participant chat-based discussions as part of their expectations. While online cohort classes are not conducted in an in-person or virtual classroom space, students are expected to be engaged and active in class communications, discussions, and assignments in order to receive full credit. Please note that in order to provide the best student experience possible, registration for online cohort classes closes two weeks before the first day of class.

These are eLearning elements that exist without instructor guidance or feedback; participants work independently and launch the learning in NVTI Student Central portal.

Virtual courses are live classes with all participants, as well as the instructor, participating virtually. These courses take place in a virtual room and allow for discussion, group projects, and screen sharing. Virtual courses require a laptop or desktop computer (mobile devices and tablets are not recommended) with internet connection. They may be taken with wireless internet but some individuals in lower bandwidth locations find it helps to be hardwired. Audio for these classes is Voice Over IP (VOIP), so a headset with a microphone is required. It is recommended that you use a wired headset versus one that connects via Bluetooth. They are typically launched from NVTI Student Central. Please note that in order to provide the best student experience possible, registration for virtual classes closes two weeks before the first day of class.

These are traditional live, face-to-face classroom classes typically offered at the NVTI Training Center in Dallas, TX. Please note that in order to provide the best student experience possible, registration for in-person classes closes one month before the first day of class.

Online Curriculum
Online curriculum means the course is without instructor interaction and consists of multiple individual self-paced eLearning elements; these typically include knowledge checks. Participants progress through the curriculum one eLearning element at a time and access to future eLearning elements may be restricted pending completion of earlier elements. These often have a scheduled beginning and scheduled ending date, but this is not always the case. Online curriculums are launched from NVTI Student Central.