NVTI Reflects: A 2023 Recap of Veteran Employment Progress, Challenges, and Future Prospects

By Jason Matthews At the National Veterans’ Training Institute (NVTI), our mission has always been to provide veterans services staff with the tools and resources to assist veterans. As 2023 draws to a close, the journey of veteran employment had big wins but also faced old and new challenges. The aftereffects of the COVID-19 pandemic … Read more

JVSG Companion Programs: DOL-VETS and the VA’s VR&E Collaboration Agreement

NVTI ARTICLE SERIES: JVSG COMPANION PROGRAMS JVSG Companion Programs: DOL-VETS and the VA’s VR&E Collaboration Agreement Log in to Making Careers Happen for Veterans: Community of Practice to share your thoughts or questions on this article. In September 2020, the Departments of Labor (DOL) and Veterans Affairs (VA) renewed their Memorandum of Agreement to partner their respective Veterans’ … Read more

Serving Native American Veterans

Serving Native American Veterans Log in to Making Careers Happen for Veterans: Community of Practice to share your thoughts or questions on this article. Native Americans represent one of many significant populations in the veteran community. The Veterans Affairs (VA) office notes that American Indians and Alaska Natives have one of the highest representations in the armed forces and … Read more

Improving Job Retention for Veterans with Challenges

Improving Job Retention for Veterans with Challenges Log in to Making Careers Happen for Veterans: Community of Practice to share your thoughts or questions on this article. “Get a job, keep a job, get a better job” remains a popular mantra in the military workforce community. This mantra implies that holding on to a job and remaining … Read more

JVSG Companion Programs: Small Business Administration (SBA) – Support for Veteran Entrepreneurs

JVSG Companion Programs: Small Business Administration (SBA) – Support for Veteran Entrepreneurs Log in to Making Careers Happen for Veterans: Community of Practice to share your thoughts or questions on this article. Jobs for Veterans State Grant (JVSG) personnel are tasked with providing individualized career services and employer outreach to help veterans realize and sustain employment; in some … Read more

NVTI Classes Continue Virtual Delivery

NVTI Classes Continue Virtual Delivery Log in to Making Careers Happen for Veterans: Community of Practice to share your thoughts or questions on this article. The U.S. Department of Labor’s Veterans’ Employment and Training Service (VETS) has directed the National Veterans’ Training Institute (NVTI) to continue delivering all classes typically delivered in the face-to-face classroom setting in the live virtual classroom through the … Read more

JVSG Companion Programs: Useful Office of Personnel Management (OPM) Resources for JVSG Staff and Veterans Seeking Employment

NVTI ARTICLE SERIES: JVSG COMPANION PROGRAMS JVSG Companion Programs: Useful Office of Personnel Management (OPM) Resources for JVSG Staff and Veterans Seeking Employment Log in to Making Careers Happen for Veterans: Community of Practice to share your thoughts or questions on this article. In this sixth article of the JVSG Companion Program Series, we examine various resources for veteran … Read more

Making Careers Happen for Veterans: Community of Practice

Making Careers Happen for Veterans: Community of Practice Log in to Making Careers Happen for Veterans: Community of Practice to share your thoughts or questions on this article. “What do we live for, if not to make life less difficult for each other?” George Eliot“Everybody is smarter than anybody.”-Carl Sanberg A community of practice is a group of professionals … Read more

DOL VETS HVRP Stand Down Grant Program

DOL VETS HVRP Stand Down Grant Program In times of war, a Stand Down functioned as a call for combat units to recuperate and rest while removed from the battlefield to a place of relative safety. This recovery model inspired Vietnam veterans, Robert Van Keuren and Dr. Jon Nachison, to develop the first Stand Down … Read more

Veterans, Logical and Tenacious, an Ideal Fit for the Technology Industry

Veterans, Logical and Tenacious, an Ideal Fit for the Technology Industry The technology industry is still an emerging industry that continues to see annual growth. During the COVID-19 pandemic, employment opportunities in the technology industry continue to be in high demand, with the average salary being two times higher than the national employment wage (CompTIA, n.d.). … Read more